I applied for GSoC 2013 under cesium’s idea “Vector Data visualization with JSON” but was not selected. It would be kind of you if you can give me some feedback on my proposal.
Please let me know what was the shortcomings of my proposal, so that i can improve on it and be competent enough to apply and get selected for the next year program.
Ayudh Das
First, thank you again for your proposal and I’m happy to see you reaching out for comment. The main reason we couldn’t select you this year is simply because Google only allotted us 2 slots for GSoC. We tried to get more positions, but this is the first year Cesium is participating in GSoC, and new projects almost always only get 2. For what it’s worth, you were very high up on the list of possible candidates and if we had a few more slots, would have selected you.
Ultimately, the tie breaker we used to pick the selected projects was how closely they aligned with our near term goals. Client-side KML support is something that gets requested over and over again, so it won out over geoJSON. Since KML support is also a larger undertaking, we thought it would make a better project and last the entirety of GSoC.
I hope that provides you with a clear explanation. We’re happy to have you continue to contribute to Cesium and hopefully next year we will have more slots available. Certainly anyone that regularly contributes between now and next summer will have a much higher chance of being selected.
If you have any other questions, just let us know.
Thanks again.
Thank you Matt for your reply,
It might be the case that KML support won out over geoJSON. But its not necessary that cesium waits for geoJSON support. How would it be if I try to work on the implementation of the idea, not under GSoC, but as normal work for cesium. Would you guide me for that. It will be not as rigorous as it would have been in GSoC, as I have got some internship elsewhere, but I would definitely like to see this feature implemented in cesium and me being a part of it.
Thank you Matt for your reply,
It might be the case that KML support won out over geoJSON. But its not
necessary that cesium waits for geoJSON support. How would it be if I try to
work on the implementation of the idea, not under GSoC, but as normal work
for cesium.
I think lots of code can be shared between KML and geojson, they are not
that different. IMHO apart from edge cases you only skip the xml
parsing. I recommend to keep in close touch with the kml implementation
so you have the least friction losses.
GeoJson has less features than kml, so you can propose extensions
for e.g. 'extrude'
or for styling e.g. Geojson CSS - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Would you guide me for that. It will be not as rigorous as it
would have been in GSoC, as I have got some internship elsewhere, but I
would definitely like to see this feature implemented in cesium and me being
a part of it.
First, thank you again for your proposal and I'm happy to see you reaching
out for comment. The main reason we couldn't select you this year is simply
because Google only allotted us 2 slots for GSoC. We tried to get more
positions, but this is the first year Cesium is participating in GSoC, and
new projects almost always only get 2. For what it's worth, you were very
high up on the list of possible candidates and if we had a few more slots,
would have selected you.
Ultimately, the tie breaker we used to pick the selected projects was how
closely they aligned with our near term goals. Client-side KML support is
something that gets requested over and over again, so it won out over
geoJSON. Since KML support is also a larger undertaking, we thought it
would make a better project and last the entirety of GSoC.
I hope that provides you with a clear explanation. We're happy to have
you continue to contribute to Cesium and hopefully next year we will have
more slots available. Certainly anyone that regularly contributes between
now and next summer will have a much higher chance of being selected.
If you have any other questions, just let us know.
Thanks again.
I applied for GSoC 2013 under cesium's idea "Vector Data visualization
with JSON" but was not selected. It would be kind of you if you can give me
some feedback on my proposal.
Please let me know what was the shortcomings of my proposal, so that i
can improve on it and be competent enough to apply and get selected for the
next year program.
If you go ahead and implement GeoJson support my guess is (and that just
what it is: 'my guess') that it will get you
some 'street cred' and a head start next year 
I meant to get back to you on this sooner, sorry for the delay. It would be awesome if you wanted to work on GeoJSon support even if it’s not part of GSoC. It should be pretty easy to do a first cut but simple creating a GeoJSONDataSource object, similar to the new CzmlDatasource, that reads in just the geometry data and draws white primitives on the globe. Once you have that working, I can help you figure out a simple API for allowing people to describe how the graphics should look. Let us know if/when you plan on working on this so that we don’t duplicate efforts.
Although I don’t know much about it, we should look at CartoCSS for styling:
I believe OpenLayers 3 is also using it.