Flight path zig-zag when interpolationDegree:5 (or greater than 3)


I'm careful about saying this, but I think this is a bug.
When I set "interpolationDegree":5 below, the flight path zig-zags on playback. I've see this with a sampling of other flight tracks. I tried this on CZML Sandcastle demo and was able to reproduce the problem.

var czml = [{
"description":"<div data-json=\"{'trackid':'UAL1749','acft_type':'B739','acft_equip':'L','depart_apt':'SFO','arrive_apt':'EWR','airline':'UAL'}\">SFO to EWR</div>","availability":"2015-03-01T11:11:16+00/2015-03-01T12:00:04+00",
"point":{"show":[{"boolean":true}],"color":{"rgba":[255, 0, 0, 255]},"outlineColor":{"rgba":[255,255,0,255]},"pixelSize":6,"outlineWidth":0},
"label":{"fillColor":[{"rgba":[255,255,255,255]}], "font":"12px Sans-Serif","horizontalOrigin":"LEFT","outlineColor":{"rgba":[255,255,255,255]}, "pixelOffset":{"cartesian2":[8.0,-8.0]},"scale":1.0, "show":[{ "boolean":true}], "style":"FILL","text" : "UAL1749","verticalOrigin":"CENTER"},
    "material":{"solidColor":{"color":{"rgba":[255,255,100,100]}}},"width":[ { "number":1.0}],"show":[{"interval": "2015-03-01T11:11:16+00/2015-03-01T12:00:04+00","boolean":true}],
"cartographicDegrees": [
     "2015-03-01T12:00:04Z",-83.675,42.0008,10058 ]

This looks like an artifact specific to your data. Higher-degree interpolation does not necessarily produce a more accurate curve. (I think this is Runge’s phenomenon but I’m not sure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runge%27s_phenomenon ) I think this is worsened because your data is fairly sparse, and you have non-uniform sample times. You might be able to reduce the artifacts by introducing more samples, but realistically you should just lower the interpolation degree (as you say, degree 3 looks ok with your data).

Understood. But the Sandcastle demo of interpolationAlgorithm uses an aircraft. The very nature of aircraft track data is exactly as you describe, sparse and non-uniform. That interpolationAlgorithm demo promises a good solution for gaming, maybe, where the data can be controlled an imagined.

Still, a value of 3 for interpolationDegree improves the natural appearance of the data when a path connects the data points. I had one flight that was full of curves, which worked great, but this flight (above) was mostly straight, and seems to blow-up the algorithm. Funny, it reminds me of when I played pool, I had the most trouble with the straight shots.