Flight Tracker Visual Studio Errors?

I’m working through the tutorials, have enabled the plugin and added dependencies to the .Build.cs. I’m getting 96 errors when I paste the first code into Visual Studio. It looks like VS doesn’t see the Cesium libraries. The first error is:

|Error (active)|E1696|cannot open source file CesiumGeoreference.h|Discovery|C:.…\PlaneTrack.h|11|||

Any ideas? Thank you!

Thanks for the question @bigjenkie! Have you tried regenerating the Visual Studio project files? You can do this by right-clicking on the uproject and clicking “Generate Visual Studio project files” (this might be under “Show more options” in the latest versions of Windows). You can also run the batch file directly.

Thank you so much for replying. Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to it.

I still can’t figure it out. When I found the uproject file I right clicked and don’t see a generate VS project files" entry in the right click menu.

I’m also noticing the icon is a white box. I get these errors as soon as I add the:

// Add import paths. Make sure they go above the PlaneTrack.generated.h line
#include “Components/SplineComponent.h”
#include “CesiumGeoreference.h”
#include “Engine/DataTable.h”

import paths to the header file. So VS isn’t finding the Cesium files. Did I miss a step?

Thank you again,

Hi @bigjenkie,
Ashley was suggesting that you right-click in Windows explorer, not in Visual Studio, to regenerate the project files.

Another possibility is that you accidentally skipped the step where you add the dependency on the CesiumRuntime module. It’s step 2.2 here:

Also, please check that compiling actually fails. It’s unfortunately not uncommon for Visual Studio intellisense to report spurious errors that will go away when you actually build.