Getting Error During WebGl Build

Library\PackageCache\com.cesium.unity@0.2.0\Runtime\CesiumMetadata.cs(9,6): error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘ReinteropNativeImplementationAttribute’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Cesium for Unity does not support WebGL. The list of supported platforms is near the top of releases page:

Supporting other platforms, like Linux, is straightforward. Some people from the community have successfully built the plugin for that platform already. WebGL, however, is going to be very challenging - perhaps impossible - because of Cesium for Unity’s use of native code. If you want to run in a web page, we suggest you check out CesiumJS:


I want to know one thing. Kindly help me. The unity map from cesium has a mesh collider so the object(or player is easily stand on ground). Like shown in image_1.

I want to know. will it be similar in Cesium Js. Like ,Can an object stand on the ground? I will use threejs here for game development in javascript. In image_2 a truck is standing on the ground. I want my 3D character there and it can walk on ground.

Shubham Sarraf Attachments15:02 (58 minutes ago)

to Cesium

I want to know one thing. Kindly help me. The unity map from cesium has a mesh collider so the object(or player is easily stand on ground). Like shown in image_1.

I want to know. will it be similar in Cesium Js. Like ,Can an object stand on the ground? I will use threejs here for game development in javascript. In image_2 a truck is standing on the ground. I want my 3D character there and it can walk on ground.

Hi @ShubhamSarraf, you would probably do better asking this question on the CesiumJS forum:

CesiumJS doesn’t have any built-in support for collision. But it does have the ability to find the intersection of a ray with terrain, and that may be sufficient for some use-cases.

I haven’t used it myself, but you could also experiment with 3D Tiles support in three.js: