Glb files + coords in Ion

I have a geojson (with coordinates 4326 and height Z). I am using a plugin for qgis - qgis 2 three js exporter - to convert it into a extruded glb file.
However, despite the fact that the file is correctly located in QGIS, when I upload it to Ion, it drops to the equator level.
When I try to position the models manually, I find that they are “bigger” than in the original

What can be done about it?
I attach some pictures with situation.


Currently Cesium ion does not support geo-location in GLB files. This is why does not appear geo-referenced when imported into Cesium ion. This is a feature we are considering so we would like more information about your use case.

Can you explain what you mean by “bigger”? An image comparison of the data in QGIS and CesiumJS would be helpful to understand what the expected and actual results are.

Cesium Ion does include a Scale option in the Tileset Location Editor that will allow you to adjust the scale of the model if the size is incorrect. Does adjusting this solve your issue?