Got DllNotFoundException error

I’m getting this error DllNotFoundException. This is on desktop Win11 64bit machine. It happens to multiple machines, but does not happen to some other machines.
DllNotFoundException: CesiumForUnityNative-Runtime assembly: type: member:(null)
I’m using version 1.5.0 Cesium for Unity.
Unity version is 2021.3.19.
This error occurs when I first try to load Cesium for Unity. This is my own program. Since it happens on the end user side, not in my lab, it’s not easy to reproduce this error.
I suspect Cesium for Unity depends on some system library but missing.

You should try upgrading Cesium for Unity to the latest version, to start. Beyond that, you could be right about the system library. Perhaps try installing the Visual C++ Redistributable: Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads | Microsoft Learn
Use x64 version of the one in the first section (for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022).