Guidance for making a webmap

I’ve got it in my mind to build a custom map.
I’m a GIS professional who has not touched JS since college and could use some reassuring guidance.
What I’d like is for the map to contain my 3D building and parcel data,
have every building unit searchable,
have every building feature filterable,
set style by attributes,
have a custom infobox
And as a bonus, a range slider for building floors, a line of site and or viewshed widget.

In the sandcastle I see Feature Picking with Hover, Isolate by Category, Tiles Features Styling, Custom Shaders, and Clipping Plane which might work for floor range.

Does this seem fairly straight forward and doable, are there any specific guides, templates or libraries I should use?

Thanks in advance

Hi @JustAddWater, welcome to the community!

Have you looked at the CesiumJS Quickstart? It includes some links at the end for more detail. You may also want to look at Styling and Filtering 3D Tiles.

You mentioned “my 3D building and parcel data.” You may want to consider doing your initial testing with a free Cesium ion account. This would let you figure out the features of your app before you have to spend a lot of time figuring out how to tile and host the data.

If you’re able to share any of your results, we will be interested to see what you build!