How to convert large obj to b3dm

I want to convert a large obj file to b3dm.
The obj23dtiles library is converted to a single object, so rendering takes a long time.
I want it to be broken down and optimized for rendering like DJI Terra software
How can I convert obj into b3dm?

thank you

Hi there,

Cesium ion has data pipelines for obj to 3D Tiles.

Hello, thank you for your reply. I already know how to use ionic. The problem is that ionReasource has cost issues because it has not only simple objs but also large objs that scan large buildings. That’s why I want to know how to get an optimized b3dm file for obj.

The problem is that ionReasource has cost issues because it has not only simple objs but also large objs that scan large buildings. That’s why I want to know how to get an optimized b3dm file for obj.

Can you explain a bit more? Is the problem that ion is a paid service, or are the results you are getting non-optimal?

thank you for your reply.
First, there is an issue with the ion paid service. Because obj capacity is large, if I write code by loading it into myAsset, I have to pay a lot of money. Second, I would like to download a 3D object divided into multiple b3dm, like when output with DJI terra.