how to mark a spot on an orbit in czml


I’m following the example of simple.czml for satellite orbit interval denotation as iso8601.

Am wondering how I can mark a spot ( a circle or a dot) somewhere on the orbit of a satellite after a certain time period.

Can I for example use an image directly in image:"data/image/jpeg/base64 … " or better than that createcircle and use leadtime trailtime ?

Many Thanks!



In the billboard I can add an image and set time lattitude longitude positions. Can I somehow insert/draw an image at a trailtime denoted in the path? Is this position tracked by the Flyto animation and how can I get that position? Is this from the lagrange interpolator? If so how would I generate the lagrange interpolator numbers as in the simple.czml ?

Many Thanks!



Just gone through some sgp4 propagator python and javascript libraries to read in tle lines. Also am aware of python czml writers.

I suppose now my question is how the czml writer and the lagrange interpolator (which library is this?) is tied in to these libraries from two line elements so I can

start using the tle propagator to get the positions and velocity I wanted and run the cesium-sandcastle simulation with positions and velocity according to trailTime definitions.

Many Thanks!


Hello Victor,

I’m sorry, I’m not exactly sure what you are asking. Can you elaborate a little bit?



Thanks basically I just would like to put a mark at certain delayed time on the same orbit of a satellite.

I tried to put an image as a base64 marker at Cartesian: x y z (from the LAGRANGE with X y z from the 3600 time) and changed the number: 3600 5374 , 5374,3600 in the lead time and similarly for the trail time but the image marker did not show up.