How to use ArcGIS terrain elevation in Unreal

I need the best terrain elevation data , to put a building on top of this area , and I need to be able to make a hole at a certain place which I can do using “Hide Parts of Tilesets with Cartographic Polygons” with cesium. I can not do it with ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine because this functionality doesn’t exist.
Here is the location with ArcGIS :

And here is it with Cesium:

As you can see, Cesium World Terrain elevation resolution is not good enough and these mountain are all flat.
I am seeing that we can link the elevation terrain provider of ArcGIS to Cesium JS here ArcGISTiledElevationTerrainProvider - Cesium Documentation . How can we do it in Unreal Engine ? Using the url : WorldElevation3D/Terrain3D (ImageServer) into Ceisum3DTileset.url is not working.
Any idea ?
thanks a lot !

Where is that location?

If you have some high resolution terrain data for that area, you can upload it to Cesium ion as an overlay on top of Cesium World Terrain, and then point your Cesium3DTileset at the new composite tileset. If the data is availabile under suitable license terms, we may even be able to incorporate it into a future version of Cesium World Terrain.

Adding an equivalent of CesiumJS’s ArcGISTileElevationTerrainProvider is possible, but it is not currently on our roadmap.


the location is :

Latitude : 28.125917°
Longitude : 35.469597°

I don’t have my own terrain elevation data, but I can use the one from google earth or esri , i can export a huge .tif elevation map of the area with QGIS :

is there a way I can use that with cesium ION ? I tried upload to the file as a terrain :

but this fail in the next page, I guess there is no location in the .tif image so cesium ion don’t know where to geolocalise it ?

Cesium ion can import a TIFF file as terrain, but it does need to contain georeferencing information. It’s a bit strange for a geospatial TIFF file to not contain this information already. Where did it come from? Sharing the error from Cesium ion may help as well. If all else fails, you can probably use QGIS to add georeferencing information, if you know the projection and coordinates.