How to use i3s data in cesiumjs without using ion?

Hi Cesium Community. I am new in cesium and I have to use Cesiumjs in my next project without cesium ion. I have to use i3s data for layers representation on cesium map. I searched a lot but did not get suitable information that how can i use i3s data as 3dtiles in cesiumjs. Please let me know if it is possible to use i3s data in cesiumjs or not. if there is any way to use i3s data in cesiumjs, please let me know, It will be a great help to me

Hi @basant1431,

Thank you for your community forum post and welcome to the community! :grinning: :rocket:

I am not very familiar with i3 data. I am going to continue to do research on my end, but input from the rest of the community would be welcomed. In addition, can you please share a bit more information on the specific data format that you would like to convert to 3D Tiles?


Thank you for your reply @sam.rothstein

Actually, I3S data format get used in arcgis 3d view(scene). For your reference, please have a look at the link below.

i3s-spec/Indexed 3d Scene Layer Format at master · Esri/i3s-spec · GitHub.

My team has all data in I3S format and I have to use it in cesiumjs now. Please let me know if there is any way to use I3S data format in cesiumjs without uploading it in cesium ion.

Hi @basant1431,

To the best of my knowledge, there currently is no way to import I3S data directly into CesiumJS. One possible workaround would be to tile your I3S data locally before importing it into CesiumJS.


Thank you @sam.rothstein for your valuable reply.

@basant1431 check out Added I3S data source support in Cesium by Tamrat-B · Pull Request #9634 · CesiumGS/cesium · GitHub for loading i3s directly into CesiumJS

@sean_lilley Thank you