I added a cesium3dTileset and set it’s source= from url and url =" " ,
then i click the button refresh tileset . I got some warnning like these .
so , how to fix it ?
Would you be able to link to the tileset itself? With only information about the b3dm file it failed to load, it’s hard to figure out what it expected to find there. It’s possible there’s an issue with the b3dm file, or an issue with the way Cesium Native converts that b3dm file to a glTF internally, but it would be much easier to say if we could reproduce this issue on our end!
Sorry to response too late.
I use unreal version is 5.4 , cesium for unrela version is 2.11.0
I use this file by file:///local file path, and i get some errors
So it is trying to load some binary data from this file, "../../../spatial/mesh/20240730_141102_608.mesh".
It is usually discouraged to have relative paths in GLB files. (It can be justified in rare cases, if you really know what you’re doing). It is even more discouraged to have relative paths that point beyond the root path (like this one here, starting with ../../../), but this could still be technically valid.
But the main problem seems to be: This file does not exist. You’ll have to add this file in the expected location (or, preferably, restructure the GLB to that it contains that mesh data directly).
(The GLB contains a validation error, but that is “only” about the alignment of the _BATCHID attribute, so it’s somewhat unlikely to cause the issue here).
The messages in the screenshot are only ‘Warnings’. Does it display the object? If so, maybe the warnings are not sooo critical.
In case someone wants to investigate this in Cesium For Unreal, here’s a B3DM with the data inlined:
I investigated your tileset and wrote up an issue describing the problem here:
And I also opened a pull request with a fix for the problem:
We should be able to include this in next week’s release of Cesium for Unreal, and you can try it out in the meantime by following the instructions here to install the build from that pull request above:
Thanks for reporting the issue, and for providing an example tileset to demonstrate it.