Issue logging into cesium from UE5.5.2

when i click the 'connect to cesium ion from within UE I get the following error:

Missing required OAuth 2.0 parameter “scope”

I’ ve tried the 'open in webbrowser again, copied th clipboard, rebooted UE, rebooted the PC, but still the same problem… any ideas please?

I CAN login to cesium ion independently just fine, as i can into this forum… but not from UE

OK just pasted the urL into Edge browser instead of chrome and I can login fine… but UE doesn’t see i’ve logged in and continues to wait for connection…

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Same problem over here.

Sorry for the inconvenience! We briefly published a version with this bug to, but canceled it long before it actually became available to users (or so we thought). We’ve now published a new version with a fix, so please try upgrading and see if that fixes the problem for you. You should get v2.13.1 (look in the lower-right corner of the Cesium panel within the Editor to find the version).

Tnx for the fast reply!
It worked

sorted thanks :slight_smile: