Issues with 3D Tiles Generation in Version 1.0 and Compatibility with Viewers

Hi Team,

We are facing issue on tiles generation on version 1.0,Its getting issue Something went wrong with this asset

Asset Id : 2367887

Similar issues with another asset Id 2367241

For viewer side:

We tried generated 1.1 version tiles data in this viewer. but not able to load tiles data.

our viewer and the Cesium js viewer ( with 1.1 support) are not mutually compatible as yet.

Seems the issue is the library are not able to bind {“uri”:“tiles/{level}/{x}/{y}/{z}.glb”}

Below tiles.json (1.1) link attached.


  1. Can we pass as a parameter in tiles.json for above X,Y,Z and level values to load the tiles data?

  2. Any other alternative where we can generate the content url and subtree url as an absolute URL.

like “uri”:“tiles/tiles/1/1/0.glb”} ?

Thank you for your assistance.


The problem with those two assets is that the older tiler does not support GLB files larger than 2 gigabytes. Both of those assets have GLB files that exceed this limit. You can try exporting the data as an OBJ file to use as input. The older tiler will accept OBJ files greater than 2 gigabytes.

Are you using the latest version of NASA-AMMOS/3DTilesRendererJS? That is using CesiumJS 1.97 which has support for 3D Tiles 1.1. The best way to get support for 3D Tiles 1.1 in these viewers would be to contact the maintainers so they can update their library to support 3D Tiles 1.1.

Is there a reason that you were using the third party viewers instead of CesiumJS? We are always looking for feedback about how we can improve, so please let us know if there is something that you would like to see added that would make CesiumJS a better option for you.

Hi mdc9001, thanks for your response.

We attempted to generate version 1.1 tiles data in our 3JS viewer but encountered issues loading the data. Our viewer is not currently compatible with the CesiumJS viewer, which supports version 1.1.

The main problem seems to be with the library’s inability to interpret the format {“uri”:“tiles/{level}/{x}/{y}/{z}.glb”} in our tiles.json file. Here’s the link to our tiles.json (1.1) file for reference:

Tileset JSON file we have generated :

We have two questions:

Is it possible to directly input X, Y, Z, and level values as parameters in the tiles.json file to load the data?

Are there any alternatives to generate content uri and subtree uri as absolute URLs, for example, in the format “uri”:“tiles/tiles/1/1/0.glb”?

For context, we expected the tiles output to be similar to the format used in this link :

, where the content uri is specified directly (e.g., “uri”: “NoLod_0.glb”) instead of using the format {“uri”:“tiles/{level}/{x}/{y}/{z}.glb”}


The {“uri”:“tiles/{level}/{x}/{y}/{z}.glb”} is a template used for implicit tiling. This is a new feature in 1.1 that is not present in 1.0. There is not an easy way to revert your 1.1 tileset to a 1.0 tileset after tiling.

The quickest fix would be to convert the GLB files to OBJ files and upload them with the Create a 3D Tiles 1.1 tileset toggle turned off. OBJ does not have the 2 GB limit that GLB has for the 1.0 tiler. That will create a 1.0 tileset for your data. Please let us know if you have any issues with this.