KML/KMZ file issue

I have a kmz file which loads in google earth properly this way:

In Cesium-1.17 it loads this way: (tilted)

And what I try to load on latest cesium it throws this err:

KmlDataSource now longer takes a proxy object. It takes an options object with camera and canvas as required properties. This will throw in Cesium 1.22.

zip.js:405 Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to construct ‘Worker’: Script at ‘’ cannot be accessed from origin ‘http://localhost:81’.inflate @ zip.js:405(anonymous function) @ zip.js:579init @ zip.js:210(anonymous function) @ zip.js:575reader.onload @ zip.js:182

Kindly help me with this.



Regarding the Workers/inflate error, how are you adding Cesium to your application? What does your tag look like?

You should be using your own copy of Cesium, not linked to one on our website.

I don’t think either of the errors are related to your visualization issue, however. Are you using a LatLonQuad? We don’t have official support for this type yet, so that’s why the image is turned.

For more information, look at the discussion in this issue:



Inflate error come when I link from cesium website.
However I use Cesium-1.17 on my local system, image is tilted. This is the
    dataSource1 = new Cesium.KmlDataSource();
    dataSource1.load('data/LandPlan no box.kmz');