Local Tiles Download Missing Link

This link shows how to setup local files to use as tiles in STEP 5, closer to the bottom - Adding Datasets – Cesium

But the first instruction tells you to download a zip file:
1Download the example 3D Tileset by clicking here. Extract the .zip archive. You can save the files anywhere on your computer, but take note of their location - you’ll need it later.

But the link does not work. What can I do to download this zip file and continue to test with these instructions?


Hi @ReggieStantec,

Thank you for letting us know! We’re working to restore the data that was originally linked, and will let you know when the page has been updated.

Hi @ReggieStantec,

The website has been updated with the correct download link. Thank you again for reporting the issue! Let us know if you have any other questions about that tutorial. :smile: