Mapbox Terrain Provider


We have developed a terrain provider for Mapbox raster Tiles. Would you accept this as a contribution to the cesium source code? Or will you only accept a raster overlay ?

For us it would be a good thing because the more we can share code with the main repo the better.

Thanks and regards

Can you elaborate on what you mean by “terrain provider”? In any case, we welcome any and all pull requests!

Sorry I was using the Unity terminology :

We implemented Mapbox Raster tiles by creating a subclass of TilesetContentLoader because it was easier for us.

I think the way you expect this to be done would be using a raster overlay but we chose what we considered was the simplest route

Anyway if you agree we can provide the code

Just to make sure I’m understanding: you’re pulling geometry from Mapbox raster tiles, right? Not textures meant to be draped over some other geometry source?

If I have that right, then TilesetContentLoader is the right way to do it. A raster overlay wouldn’t work. And yes, we’re very interested in a pull request for that!