Missing Measure Distance Example

I’d like to use the MeasureWidget.

The example link is broken: Cesium Sandcastle Measure Widget Demo

And when I use this code snippet I get Cesium.Measure is not defined.

What an I missing?

var measureWidget = new Cesium.Measure({
     container : 'measureContainer',
     scene : scene,
     units : new Cesium.MeasureUnits({
         distanceUnits : Cesium.DistanceUnits.METERS,
         areaUnits : Cesium.AreaUnits.SQUARE_METERS,
         volumeUnits : Cesium.VolumeUnits.CUBIC_FEET,
         angleUnits : Cesium.AngleUnits.DEGREES,
         slopeUnits : Cesium.AngleUnits.GRADE

Welcome back to the forum @Garth_Tissington!

The measure widget is not open source. It’s part of the commercial Analytics SDK (see https://cesium.com/ion-sdk/). If you just need to make measurements you can use it in Cesium Stories:

so basically we can’t use measurement tools like volume measurement if we only use open source cesium js?


Welcome to the community! :rocket: :ringer_planet:

Your assertion is correct - measurement tools are part of Cesium ion SDK.
