Overlay flat image

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible, and if yes how, to use Cesium google/bing maps, but as a flat image and on a specific zone. I am working on a project of a real scale map, and I need a good quality overlay satellite image to see where to place roads, etc…
Thank you

Hi @Ducky, welcome to the community!

I just want to clarify what you’re asking for. Are you trying to use a 2D map in your application?

If so, I worry that this will be difficult to do with Cesium. By default, Cesium is built around the WGS84 ellipsoid. So even if you had a flat plane, any imagery that is draped on it will be projected as if it were an ellipsoid, which may lead to undesired results.

There is something that may be similar to what you want to do. If you download the Cesium for Unreal Samples project, open the 07_CesiumMultiView sample level. Although the imagery is still draped on Cesium World Terrain, you can use render targets / multiple cameras to get a top-down, minimap view like so:

Hopefully this is close to what you need! But of course, let me know if I’ve misunderstood your post.

Hello, thank you for your answer. I indeed need a 2d map. I’ve tried what you told me; but I’m not sure to understand. Could explain more or teel me if you have an alternative.
Thank you

I can download it. How many levels of satellite imagery do you need?


:exclamation: Please do not download satellite imagery from Bing or Google unless you have explicit permission to do so. (And I would be surprised if you did.)

Doing so violates both data providers’ terms of service. See below.

Bing Maps Terms of Service – see Section 5. General Restrictions. You may not " (n). Copy, store, archive, or create a database of Content".
Google Maps Terms of Service – see 3.2.3 Restrictions Against Misusing the Services, which includes “No Scraping”

Ok, I see.

Hi, so do you know how to answer my question please : “I indeed need a 2d map. I’ve tried what you told me; but I’m not sure to understand. Could explain more or teel me if you have an alternative.”
Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @Ducky,

Cesium for Unreal specializes in 3D geospatial and provides tools for building applications around a full-scale, accurate 3D globe. Currently, 2D support is not on our roadmap, so you may have to turn to other tools for importing 2D maps.

However, I can at least explain what is happening in the sample I referenced. In 07_CesiumMultiView, the pawn that is used to move around the scene in first person, also includes a top-down view of the 3D earth. It does so using a SceneCapture2D instance:

Whatever this camera sees will be rendered to a texture, aka the Render Target:

This target is then displayed in the WBP Map Overlay Widget that we created for the samples.

In summary, the Render Target captures what the SceneCapture2D is seeing, and outputs it to a texture. You can then show on the screen as a Widget. This may not give you a 2D map exactly, but this top-down view is the closest substitute that you can achieve.

Maybe other community members can chime in about solutions they have found for using 2D maps in Unreal? :smile: