Hello, I have the following issue when I’m trying to package a UE4.26 project for Windows platform
using CesiumUnreal 1.20.0
When I compile the code in VS2019, there are no compilation errors. However, the problem shown in the above picture occurred during packaging in UE4 Editor.
and I temporarily solved this problem by modify the OPAQUE to OPAQUE1. following the picture.
then package succeed.
Is there a solution to totally solve this problem?
Yes, there is a workaround, see here:
Hi folks,
I did some digging into this. Long story short, if you want to #include Cesium for Unreal headers in your own source files, you need to make sure those source files are built with these options (add them to your .Build.cs file):
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "CesiumRuntime", "UMG" });
CppStandard = CppStandardVersion.Cpp17;
bEnableExceptions = true;
Here’s the explanation for each of these lines:
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "CesiumRunti…
Thanks a lot! I’ll try it soon.
In my own module,I missed this statement “bEnableExceptions = true;”
When I add it, things get better. Thanks a lot!