Pointcloud becoming less visible when zoomed in

I am not entirely sure what is happening, but the pointcloud seems less visible the more I zoom in, it gets to a point when you zoom in enough the pointcloud is difficult to see.

Is there a way to resolve this?

When zoomed out:

When zoomed in:

Hi @RobertSalas,
Thank you for your post and being a part of the Cesium community.

Can you provide us a little more information about the problem you are experiencing. First, are you loading the point cloud as a 3D Tileset or a different format? If it is a 3D Tileset, can you share how you tiled it?

Second, do you mind sharing sample code for how you are loading the data into your scene? If you can share it in a sandcastle example https://sandcastle.cesium.com/ that would be especially helpful.

Thanks and I hope we can get a better understanding of this issue and resolve it soon.

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Thanks for the help Luke. Yes, I am loading it as a 3D Tileset.

I tried using the same files I used to generate the images and put it on sandcastle but looks way faint here than it was on my screenshot.


For how I do it on production - it usually goes like this

    const tileset = Cesium3DTileset.fromUrl(viewerData.tileset_url, {
      skipLevelOfDetail: true,
      baseScreenSpaceError: 1024,
      skipScreenSpaceErrorFactor: 16,
      skipLevels: 1,
      immediatelyLoadDesiredLevelOfDetail: false,
      loadSiblings: false,
      cullWithChildrenBounds: true,
      show: viewerData.is_toggled,


So given the sample provided on the sandcastle, is there a way to keep these points more visible? aside from adjusting the pointcloud point sizes… I think its not about the zoom values, is it also perhaps the file being used?

How did you create the first screenshot? (I think that this is not the tiled data, but maybe some raw data, like a LAZ/LAS file, shown in a different viewer, right?)

In any case, the tileset only has one content (PNTS file), and this has only 13343 points, and therefore, it looks right. But the first screenshot looks like it had much more points.

(From this, a wild guess would be that somewhere during the tiling process, points got lost - but of course, this should usually not happen…)