Polygon issue on mac

I tried the sandcastle demo with polygons (http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Polygons.html). The problems is that the polygons are not uniform and are blinking.

This happens on my macbook pro with an intel IRIS, be it in chrome 36 or Firefox . You may see the effect here : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18096174/Capture%20d’écran%202014-08-06%20à%2013.25.21.png

A loy of demos work correctly on the mac but no this one.

This does not happen on my PC.

What may I do to avoid that issue ?


No one having the same issue as me?


It’s most likely a bug in the Mac graphics driver or OpenGL implementation. We’ve seen this issue on out of data drivers or older graphics cards (or in some cases older versions of OS X). You’re best bet is to guarantee you’re running the latest version of everything. Obviously IRIS is a newer card so maybe the Mac drivers haven’t matured yet.

The main problem with issues like this is that we don’t have the hardware to reproduce the problem for debugging; and even when we do, most of the time it’s out of our hands because it’s an underlying OS/driver bug.

Sorry I don’t have better news for you; but hopefully that sheds some light on the problem.

I encountered the same problem a couple days before.
What is your OS X version?

What graphics card do you use on your mac?

You can search the title “Rectangle and RectanglePrimitive is flashing?”. It is a thread I posted before, and it have some information that may help you solve your problem.


在 2014年8月8日星期五UTC-7上午1时33分55秒,unl…@gmail.com写道:

I've got a 15" Pro w/ Retina running Mavericks and don't see this issue at all.