Polyline volume with small width causing fragmentation/flicker?

**Hello there, **

**I am running into a “problem” with the rendering of a polyline volume.
We have code running which create cables between two transmission towers using the poliline volume entity. **

This is working quite nice except for one small problem. In order to scale everything correctly with the world we have to create cables with a quite small width.
When looking at these cables from up close everything is quite fine, however when we zoom out a bit more part of the cable simply disapear and alot of fragmenting starts to happen.

I’ve added an image showing what I mean exactly

Here’s the code used to create the polylines
setCables(entityCollection) {

const positions = [

{ x: 3835369.6903347694, y: 365541.5544081299, z: 5066048.086579057 },

{ x: 3835364.0289227036, y: 365539.7900486491, z: 5066051.2289879825 },

{ x: 3835358.5336588803, y: 365538.04152801464, z: 5066054.592335832 },

{ x: 3835353.1850333693, y: 365536.3069866331, z: 5066058.150679963 },

{ x: 3835347.969665103, y: 365534.58514905727, z: 5066061.886227598 },

{ x: 3835342.8797426056, y: 365532.87527067616, z: 5066065.7885922175 },

{ x: 3835337.912697508, y: 365531.1771065879, z: 5066069.854359463 },

{ x: 3835333.0710971877, y: 365529.4909013608, z: 5066074.08694446 },

{ x: 3835328.3627520637, y: 365527.81739925063, z: 5066078.496734553 },

{ x: 3835323.801042004, y: 365526.1578752999, z: 5066083.101523448 },

{ x: 3835319.405475511, y: 365524.51418862323, z: 5066087.927254895 }


const entity = new Cesium.Entity({

show: true,

polylineVolume: {

show: true,


shape: computeCable(0.015),

material: new Cesium.Color(55, 55, 55, 1),

fill: true,

shadows: Cesium.ShadowMode.CAST_ONLY





computeCable(radius: number) {

const positions = ;

for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {

const radians = Cesium.Math.toRadians(i * 60);

positions.push(new Cesium.Cartesian2(radius * Math.cos(radians), radius * Math.sin(radians)));


return positions;


You can change the positions however you want but this is it for one of the cables.

What I would love to see, if possilble are clear lines at a realistic distance. Right now if you stand below the transmission tower the cables already start getting atrifacts/flickering.
However I also somewhat expect that this is because we made the cables so thin.

We’re always using the newest version of Cesium and are running on Chrome.

I hope the code and image are enough to help someone understand my question. If not please let me know and I’ll try to clarify it some more.

Best regards,


This is an aliasing issue that’s documented here: https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/8228

This is partially why polylines are rendered at a constant screen-space width.