I read tileset.json in template project of cesium and saw:
"root" : {
"boundingVolume" : {
"box" : [... ]
"geometricError" : 747.29934840236092,
"refine" : "add",
"content" : {
"boundingVolume" : {
"box" : [... ]
"url" : "data/data0.b3dm"
"boundingVolume" : {
"box" : [ ...]
"refine" : "add",
"content" : {
"boundingVolume" : {
"box" : [...]
"url" : "data/data1.b3dm"
I have these problems.
When i try to visualize one of those b3dm files by isolating it to other tileset.json or converting to .glb file, nothing showing up.
What is b3dm file in root.content.url like when the building models are from b3dm files in children.content.urls? How does it work?
How do i tile my dataset from glb/dae file to list of b3dm file. Is there any tool and if there isn't then how do i tile my dataset manually?
Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards,