Processing a large KML/COLLADA dataset

We are trying generate 3D tiles from a 3.5 GB archive that contains around 16 million buildings in KML/COLLADA format.

The archive successfully uploads into Cesium ion, but the processing fails shortly with “Invalid File” error.

Previously, I’ve tried uploading a subset of this archive and it was working without any problems. So I think that the structure of the archive is correct, it’s the size or the number of files that causes this error. Is there some internal limitation that doesn’t allow to process large datasets like this?


Thank you for reporting the issue you are seeing. I have opened an internal ticket and linked back to this thread for the team to take a look at this error. I will reach out to you as soon as I have an update.



To provide you with an update, we have undeleted your asset and are trying to re-tile it with an updated process. I will keep you updated with how the tiling goes.



To give you an update, we are still looking at this asset. I will reach out as soon as I have an update.
