Large amount of DAE seems not to work with Cesium ION

Hi everyone,

I’ve tried to upload a KML/Collada file with more than 70 DAE files. Everything works fine, but the display in Cesium, e.g. the sandcastle leaves out large parts of the original geometry.
I’ve dug into this and here is my assumption:

  • it seems that Cesium cannot handle more than 70 DAE files
  • geometries like 04-TUSM for example produce ~ 121 DAE files
  • the naming of the 3d tiles is <tile number>/<2^(tile number)-1/0.b3dm
  • this works “well” until tile 70, then the output switches to scientific notation:
    + 69: “69/590295810358705700000/0.b3dm”
    + 70: “70/1.1805916207174113e+21/0.b3dm”
  • our assumption is, that during the file creation process special characters like ., e and + are being replaced or deleted
  • thus the file is not accessible under the URL where it should reside
  • the result is that some tiles are not loaded in Cesium and you get the holes in the view.

The asset in question: 2203051
How it looks like in the sandcastle:

I did not find the proper repository on Github so I assume this is done with non-public code. Otherwise I would have looked more into it.



I apologize that you are seeing an error, Cesium should be able to load the tilesets and the file limit shouldn’t be the cause of this issue. I will open an internal ticket for the team to take a look at error you are facing loading this tileset. Can you please let me know which options you chose and the workflow to tile this asset?

Something like the following would be very helpful:

  1. Upload the asset using the ion UI
  2. Pick option XYZ for What kind of data is this?

I would also recommend trying to run this once with Draco compression turned off if you had it selected


Hi Ankit,

  1. The data had been uploaded via the ION GUI
  2. The kind of data is KML/Collada (tile as 3d tiles)
  3. The reference is Mean Sea Level
  4. Draco had been enabled.

However, disabling Draco does not change anything to the observed output.


Thank you for that additional information. I have created a feature request for our team to take a look at your asset.