I saw many question about that but the answers wasn't clear :
I have data file from OSM in many format (.osm, .geojson, .shp, .kml,...)
and I want to achieve the same goal that in the NY demo (https://cesiumjs.org/NewYork/) so show 3D buildings for a specified city.
To do that I convert the data file to an obj with some tools (Osm2World, geoJsonToObj,...) and I use Obj23d-Tiles (https://github.com/PrincessGod/objTo3d-tiles) to generate a tileset.
Here is the thing, I always get a tileset.json with only one huge .b3dm and Cesium can't handle it (process crash or Chrome stop it)
The question is : How can I achieve to get a proper 3d tileset (multiple little b3dm) with my data ? And how Cesium did with the New York demo ?
I actually work on a big project but this part really depressed me, I hope you can help me.
Thank you