setting up a local imagery server for black marble and natural earth

Hi all,

**I am a beginner in performing Cesium visualization and **I have a difficult and challenging task which is to set up a local imagery server in my local computer(Windows 7).

I want to set up a local imagery server for black marble and natural earth.

Once I finished setting up the local imagery server, I use Cesium provider from the local computer to access the map from the local imagery server.

I found a few website about local imagery server

Can you please help me?

Thank you.

Hi there,

According to the Terms of Use for the Black Marble Imagery, we can’t distribute the data for offline use.

We do have an Offline Guide for getting a Cesium app running with Natural Earth Imagery offline.



Hi Gabby,

Can you please tell me how can we configure cesium to use local map server such as QGIS to work in a fully offline mode. I am struggling with this for days.