Styling layers (kml and raster) in Cesium Ion

Hello, I am completely new to Cesium. I am trying to add some KML layers to a Cesium story but I cannot see an option to change the style of these layers. I have tried multiple things including styling the layers in Google Earth and QGIS and then exporting them, but neither of these options worked. When uploading raster layers, I had the same issue and could not find an option to edit the style of these layers. This only worked when I exported a raster as a rendered image - this preserved the style I had set in QGIS , although the raster pixels appear blurry around the edges when I zoom in. I am wondering what the easiest way would be to edit layer styles (kml, raster, etc) within Cesium Stories?


Welcome to the community :confetti_ball:

The Cesium ion Stories tool has limited built-in asset customization. For certain assets such as `Bing Maps Aerial, you are given the option to modify the opacity.

However, options of this nature do not exist for KML data sources. Your solution of styling the layers before importing them to Cesium ion is apt. I would take time to ensure that the styling is exported correctly by viewing the stylized assets in CesiumJS, Google Earth, etc. Can you confirm that the stylization is being properly exported? Looking forward to hearing from you.


Thank you Sam, I tried updating the style in QGIS, exporting as a KML using the MMQGIS plugin and then uploading to Cesium. This is working well!


I am happy to hear that - let me know if anything else comes up!


Hi Sam, thanks for your help so far. I am now playing around with Cesium JS, but I cannot seem to add a kml file to the map - I just get an error. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Sorry very simple issue probably but I am completely new to this!
