SubLevel's LevelBlueprint EventBeginPlay

When starting to run the scene, the EventBeginPlay button for all sub scene blueprints is executed, followed by their EndPlay event being called. Shouldn’t their BeginPlayEvent only be called when they enter the sub scene?

level: testlevel , it has two sublevels;

sublevel: level 1
level1’s level blueprint two events like below:
eventbeginplay ->print level1 begin
eventendplay ->print level1 end

sublevel: level 2
level 2’s level blueprint two events like below:
eventbeginplay ->print level2 begin
eventendplay ->print level2 begin

When running testlevel, the result screen outputs
level1 begin
level2 begin
level2 end
level1 end

The current camera is outside these two sublevels, not inside one of them. Is it the mechanism of streaminglevel that requires loading all sub scenes at begining?

I used the Sublevel’s EventBeginPlay and the EngPlay before. EventBeginPlay is called automatically when the sublevel is loaded, and the EngPlay is called automatically when the sublevel is unloaded, just as expected. In that case , I moved the Dynamic Pawn to load or unload the sublevel.
Is it possible that you set the “Change Streaming Method” of sublevel to “Always Loaded” by accident?

This situation occurs in :
1\CesiumForUnreal.uplugin: VersionName: 2.4.0
2\unrealengine version: 5.1.1

It may be a new version that causes such problems

I set up sub levels based on the steps here:unreal-sublevels

“cesium-unreal-samples” project has the same problem!

when run this example level , all sublevels are loaded

You are right. I tried UE5.2.1 with Cesium for Unreal 2.4.0. The sublevels are loaded and removed when start playing the persistent level. Don’t know why.