The problem with very dark models

Hello, everybody!

I have a lot of models on Cesium,But their shades don’t look the same.

They look dark from certain angles:

I tried using DirectionalLight to solve this problem,

  viewer.scene.light = new DirectionalLight({
    direction :,
    intensity: 1.0,
  viewer.scene.preRender.addEventListener(function () {
    (viewer.scene.light as DirectionalLight).direction = Cartesian3.clone(,
      (viewer.scene.light as DirectionalLight).direction

That still doesn’t solve the problem,So, I was wondering if there was a way to make my model always bright.

Unfortunately, DUE to confidentiality, I can’t provide sandcastle.

Thank you very much!

I would like to add something here:

You can see that my road has become white,But the sign on the side is still dark,So is there a way to make the model not affected by time and light.And keep it bright

Thank you all!

I gave my solution to this in this post: Keep Model bright all time and all directions - #2 by sam.rothstein

pm me if you have more questions on this particular matter!

Thank you! My team and I are going to try your idea, and I’ll let you know if there’s any progress

I have tried the method you mentioned, and the problem has been well solved. Thank you very much!

@chenwwsdo I am glad to hear that your issue was resolved!

@mhernandez624 thank you very much for the suggestion :grinning: