[TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:810] Received status code 429 for tile content

Hey, I am new to Cesium and playing around, everything was fine however the project suddenly not working and when I turn on my project again, I cannot use my Cesium Url, it said:
LogCesium: Error: [2023-05-22 12:25:02.831] [error] [TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:810] Received status code 429 for tile content https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/datasets/CgA/files/UlRPVEYuYnVsa21ldGFkYXRhLnBsYW5ldG9pZD1lYXJ0aCxidWxrX21ldGFkYXRhX2Vwb2NoPTk0NixwYXRoPSxjYWNoZV92ZXJzaW9uPTY.json?session=CLaesaHYtdSfyAE&key=AIzaSyDAF7LVEgXsoHpf3i-tN3YyTstPDVxqqjA

LogCesium: Error: [2023-05-22 12:25:02.956] [error] [TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:810] Received status code 429 for tile content https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/datasets/CgA/files/UlRPVEYuYnVsa21ldGFkYXRhLnBsYW5ldG9pZD1lYXJ0aCxidWxrX21ldGFkYXRhX2Vwb2NoPTk0NixwYXRoPSxjYWNoZV92ZXJzaW9uPTY.json?session=CK-9wc2Ap4n7pAE&key=AIzaSyDAF7LVEgXsoHpf3i-tN3YyTstPDVxqqjA

Is there any way I can fix this, please?

The 429 error probably indicates that you’re over the Google API’s rate limit. It will likely start working again before too long.

Thanks for the answer, is there anywhere I can see how far I will arrive at the API rate limit?

I believe there’s a “Quota” section in the Google Cloud console where you created the API key.

Did you find this resolved your issue? I’m new to it all too and after restarting Unreal I’ve cesium google tiles no longer load in with the same 429 error code you received.

Seems strange to me that everything was working ok in Unreal, then after restarting Unreal only then is it a possible issue with my API limit…

Hi. Is there a way to bind an event to this status code 429 from TilesetJsonLoader.cpp:810? I cannot find this CPP file anywhere in the Cesium plugin.

In our app, I’d like to notify the user when the limit has been reached. Maybe a popup message.

That source file exists in cesium-native.

If the initial tileset load is failing with a 429, then subscribing to this event should be what you want:

But if individual tiles are failing with a 429, that’s not going to help. I don’t think there’s currently any way to be notified of those errors from the cesium-unreal side. It will require a change to cesium-native.

Thanks. I’ll look into this.