Unable to load 3D-Tiles in Composer App Kit.106

Hello cesium team,

I created a composer application from the OVE kit 106, but I had trouble loading 3D tiles from the extension. The extension was loaded in the stage but the meshes were missing.

Following the instruction, firstly I used the recommended token to load the data.

In my application .kit file, I added the dependencies and settings:

“omni.kit.window.extensions” = { version = “1.4.25” }
“cesium.omniverse” = { version = “0.24.0” }
“cesium.usd.plugins” = { version = “0.6.0” }
useFabricSceneDelegate = true # Turn on the Fabric scene delegate by default
usdrt.scene_delegate.enableProxyCubes =false
usdrt.scene_delegate.geometryStreaming.enabled = false.

Here is the log from the console.
Warning: Possible version incompatibility. Attempting to load omni::fabric::IStageReaderWriter with version v0.12 against v0.7.2025-01-03 09:06:21 [62,192ms] [Warning] [carb.scenerenderer-rtx.plugin] Per-pixel geometry animation time is requested but will not be enabled due to motion trace is not enabled. Setting status: camera shutter time offset = false, --/renderer/raytracingMotion/enabled=true --/rtx/raytracing/enablePerPixelGeometryAnimationTime=true --/rtx/raytracing/enablePerPixelMDLAnimationTime=true[63.261s] RTX readyWarning: Possible version incompatibility. Attempting to load omni::fabric::IPrimBucketList with version v0.4 against v0.2.Warning: Possible version incompatibility. Attempting to load omni::fabric::IPath with version v0.2 against v0.1.2025-01-03 09:16:14 [655,145ms] [Warning] [omni.hydra] Mesh ‘/cesium_geometry_pool_0_object_1_context_1735895151’ has corrupted data in primvar ‘normal’: buffer size 256 doesn’t match expected size 1 in constant primvars. The size of the buffer seems to be that of a varying primvar, the mesh may be ill-defined.2025-01-03 09:20:20 [901,467ms] [Warning] [omni.fabric.plugin] Tracker is tracking 0 elements, so size cannot be decremented

I wonder if there were other setups I’ve missed out.
Appreciated for any help.


Hello there,

I was able to successfully add the Cesium extensions to my Composer app, but I’m still encountering an issue when trying to load the tile set. Below is the error message I received from the Kit application.


**Here’s the procedure I followed:

  1. Launched my Composer app from VC.
  2. Opened the extension panel and clicked the settings to load two Cesium extensions via their directory paths (e.g., c:/mypath/cesium.omniverse-0.23.0+105.1.wx64.r and c:/mypath/cesium.usd.plugins-0.6.0+105.1.wx64.r).

  1. Selected the plugin and checked the “autoload” checkbox.

  2. Restarted the Kit app.

  3. The Cesium panel loaded, but when I tried to add the tile set, no imagery appeared.

I’m wondering if I may have missed any necessary settings. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you

Hi @ziro, we currently don’t support Kit 106 as it has several breaking changes that we still need to work through. We’re hoping to have this sorted with an upcoming release at some point in the next few months.

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Thanks for the reply. Looking forward to the upcoming release!