University Dissertation Project User Requirements?

Hi Everyone,

I am currently beginning my final year of University studying Computer Science at The University Of The West Of England (UWE). The project I have decided to undertake is creating a Geospatial web portal for open data. This will be using Cesium to display the data on and will have a number of features with the main feature being the ability to pull in open data from various sources and display this on the Cesium view map/globe. This will be my Open Data handler (Main focus). As well as this main feature there will be several other features I am hoping to make present such as:

- 2D, 2.5D & 3D

- 3D Terrain capability

- Add WMS layers feature

- Home button

- Several default layers (Bing maps base layer)

- Secondary layers (fade in/fade out)

- Live air/road traffic

- Dynamic tracks

- Clock and timeline

- Search bar gazateer

- Full screen Button

As part of the requirements stage I have to of course take into consideration the user requirements. This is what exactly will the users of this system want from it? I thought to myself what better way to start gathering my user requirements than to reach out to the Cesium community and ask "what would they want from this system?"

So I am kindly reaching out to everyone asking for their suggestions on:

What they would expect?
What they would like?
Reasons why?

All responses and feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Adam,

This sounds like it has some similar goals to NICTA’s national map project so it could be worth checking that out:

Where possible open data is sourced directly and displayed on the map, with a link provided to get to the originating data source. There’s also work done for providing a Leaflet 2D fallback etc. Others on the list are working on the project so could provide more info if required.



Sounds like a great project. Keep us posted on your progress. Once you have something, we’re happy to showcase it on the Cesium website.

In addition to National Map, check out these geoportals built on Cesium:

Good luck with your project!


Thanks for the replies guys.

All these links are very useful and I have had a look at each one in detail. I was wondering what you would expect yourself though? If you have any ideas I would greatly appreciate them.


Hi Adam,

How did your geospatial web portal turn out? I work with the Cesium team to raise awareness about Cesium and applications that use it. If you have a project ready to share let me know. We'd be happy to promote it.
