Hi Everyone,
I am currently beginning my final year of University studying Computer Science at The University Of The West Of England (UWE). The project I have decided to undertake is creating a Geospatial web portal for open data. This will be using Cesium to display the data on and will have a number of features with the main feature being the ability to pull in open data from various sources and display this on the Cesium view map/globe. This will be my Open Data handler (Main focus). As well as this main feature there will be several other features I am hoping to make present such as:
- 2D, 2.5D & 3D
- 3D Terrain capability
- Add WMS layers feature
- Home button
- Several default layers (Bing maps base layer)
- Secondary layers (fade in/fade out)
- Live air/road traffic
- Dynamic tracks
- Clock and timeline
- Search bar gazateer
- Full screen Button
As part of the requirements stage I have to of course take into consideration the user requirements. This is what exactly will the users of this system want from it? I thought to myself what better way to start gathering my user requirements than to reach out to the Cesium community and ask "what would they want from this system?"
So I am kindly reaching out to everyone asking for their suggestions on:
What they would expect?
What they would like?
Reasons why?
All responses and feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.