Unreal - Cesium -polygonraster overlay

Hi Forum

Anyone else with this issue. The CesiumCartographicPolygon - inverted - zoom in/out in viewport - tiles disappear not sure why

Also another issue add the CesiumCartographicPolygon to the OSM buildings see image

Unreal 5.3.2 - cesium 5.3 - thanks

Hi @Dmc-1234,

We haven’t seen that ourselves. Can you tell us more about how you have set up your level? Ideally, if you can give us step-by-step instructions for reproducing the problem, preferably starting with the Cesium for Unreal Samples project, we can much more easily dig into why it’s happening.

Hi Kevin

The cesium example works fine

Simple setup
Arch Viz 5.3 template
added new level
Connected added sunsky, bing maps, OSM buildings, set my coordinates to the beginning of my trench in Melbourne. Added a polygon inverted selection

I Fixed the OSM Buildings, I forgot I added a basic wall mat to the OSM Buildings because I didn’t like the reflections I was getting from the original material. So when I added the Polygon it it didnt clip. Is there a way to make my own custom material for osm buildings?

As for the clipping from the camera, I’m not sure as I zoom in tiles. I created a new project in 5.4 and having the same clipping issues (See gif)
Sequence 01_1


Is there a way to make my own custom material for osm buildings?

Yes, you can define custom materials. This tutorial explains how:

In order for clipping to work, your custom material must include the Clipping layer from the default material.

In order for me to help diagnose the clipping problem, you’ll need to walk me through how you built your level. I can see the problem from your video, but I don’t know what caused it. If clipping works in the Samples project, it’s most likely caused by something you’ve done in your own project (or perhaps a bug in Cesium for Unreal triggered by something a bit different about your project), but it’s hard to say what.

I suggest starting with the Samples and then incrementally modifying it to make it more like your project, until it breaks. Then tell me what steps led to it breaking.