Vector Data Visualization with JSON for GSOC 2013


I am working on this project for GSOC 2013. I have few questions in my mind:

  1. For loading GeoJSON and TopoJSON files,

(a) Extend czml writer to convert these files into czml format, or

(b) convert them to KML format and then use czml writer.

Can you point me in right direction?


Kuldeep Gupta

Hi Kuldeep,

Thanks for the interest in Cesium. I would actually prefer an new option © implement parsing of GeoJSON and TopoJSON in Javascript directly. Using objects from the DynamicScene layer. The result would look similar to processCZML but will be using a new plug-in point I’m currently working on which should hopefully be ready in time for GSoC to begin.

Convert geojson to kml is probably only about 10 lines of code
Processing it in cesium itself is the way to go
Another shortcoming of converting to czml is that polygons in czml don’t support holes


Thanks for reply.I have few more questions:

Objects, in dynamic scene layer for czml based loading, have their processCzmlPacket function to load content of object in dynamic object e.g. DynamicPoint.processCzmlPacket() in DynamicPoint object. These functions are used in processCZML.

So, will objects for GeoJSON and TopoJSON, along with their process function, be included in plug-in point to use them in processGeoJSON and processTopoJSON?

For styling and coloring, will GeoJSON CSS be used?

Hi Mentors,

I have submitted my proposal for “Vector Data Visualization with JSON”. Your suggestions and feedback are real important to me.


Kuldeep Gupta