Warning This application is using Cesium's default ion access token

Hi! I tried to create a lerning app using cesiumjs 1.48.
On my map i am seeing warning message:
This application is using Cesium's default ion access token. Please assign Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken with an access token from your ion account before making any Cesium API calls.

But i don't use and don't want to use ion in my program.
In one discussion i saw that this warning could appear because of geocoder.
in my code i have:
geocoder: new Cesium.BingMapsGeocoderService({

what should i do to remove this warning. IS this warning only because of geocoder or it can be another reason?

Thanks for any help!
P.S. Sorry for my bad english =)

add my code to question
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer',{
  animation: false,
        fullscreenButton: false,
        sceneModePicker: false,
        geocoder: new Cesium.BingMapsGeocoderService({
             key: "HERE IS BING MAPS KEY"
        imageryProvider: new Cesium.BingMapsImageryProvider({
            url: 'URL IS HERE',
            key: "HERE IS BING MAPS KEY",
            mapStyle: Cesium.BingMapsStyle.AERIAL

May I ask why you don’t want to use ion? In many cases, it’s free to set up an account.

Otherwise, the imagery provider, terrain provider, and geocoder are the services that will use ion.

