CesiumCameraManager lets you programmatically create cameras that are used for tile / level-of-detail selection. Most of the time this isn’t necessary, but it can be useful if Cesium for Unreal’s automatic detection of the appropriate cameras isn’t sufficient for some reason. More details in the PR that added it:
← CesiumGS:camera-manager
opened 02:28AM - 25 Jan 22 UTC
Custom camera views into Cesium tilesets that aren't automatically picked up can… be manually registered now through Blueprint or C++. Extra views can be programmatically updated each frame, in the example below the custom view simply sweeps 360 degrees. This custom camera registration ability may also be useful for AI that needs to "probe" certain sections of tileset geometry to navigate.
##### The custom camera sweeps 360 degrees.
##### Registering a custom camera with the Cesium Camera Manager. A reference to the camera manager and the camera id are saved for later.
##### Updating the custom camera, referencing it using the camera id saved earlier.
And here’s an example of using it to fix aspect ratio problems when using the Movie Render Queue:
I’ve never actually tried myself to use the CesiumCameraManager to deal with Movie Render Queue aspect ratio problems (though Nithin did when he first added the feature), so I thought I’d try it. There were some unexpected gotchas, but it worked well enough in the end. Here’s what I did.
First I added a new Level Sequence and added a Cine Camera Actor to it. I set up a simple flight for the camera with two keypoints. Rendering with the Movie Render Queue now works fine, because the default Cine…