we are really happy that you implemented shadows in the
last cesium version and also merged it into the 3d-tiles branch.
But we notices some problems with the shadow rendering.
Maybe we are doing something wrong, and missed some settings.
When we played with your building data we found some
artifacts when a surface is in the same direction as the sun, you can see in
the following screenshot. http://hosting.virtualcitysystems.de/demos/cesiumShadow/artifacts.png -
When we use our own data, we often see aliasing
effects in the shadows, although the shadow casting edges are straight.
Is there some way to avoid these problems ? http://hosting.virtualcitysystems.de/demos/cesiumShadow/artifacts2.png
- Sometimes the surfaces which are not directly in sun,
are shadowed wrong. The surface should be completely shadowed, but there seems
to be a small shift in the shadow. The effect changes depending on your camera
distance. If the camera is near almost the whole surface is shadowed, but if
the camera is further away, the shadowed area gets smaller and then disappears
(camera near, building surface should be completely dark) http://hosting.virtualcitysystems.de/demos/cesiumShadow/shadowsite2.png
(camera a bit further away, dark area gets smaller) http://hosting.virtualcitysystems.de/demos/cesiumShadow/shadowsite3.png
(camera further away, surface is not shadowed)
We did use the unaltered current version of the 3d-Tiles
branch. [http://hosting.virtualcitysystems.de/demos/cesiumShadow/Apps/Sandcastle/gallery/3d Tiles.html](http://hosting.virtualcitysystems.de/demos/cesiumShadow/Apps/Sandcastle/gallery/3d Tiles.html)
We only added two Berlin 3d-tiles datasets to the 3d-Tiles Sandcastle App.
If you have any Ideas what we can do to avoid or fix
these problems we would be really happy.