3D Tiling Pipeline converter

Hi All,

I want to know and get advice. I do converting 3D data CityGML in .gml format included appearance folder. The result show only the building without the appearance(texture image.png).
How can i do to solve the problem?

above my folder data

after conversion

the actual data it should be

conversion command line

Could somebody help me on this…



Thanks for your question. This is a known issue that will be fixed in the next release of the 3D Tiling Pipeline. For the moment, please try the workaround below.

Prior to running the 3d-buildings-tiler command, set the following environment variable:

SET MAGICK_CODER_MODULE_PATH=<full-path-to-binary-directory>

For example, here is how that command looks on my machine:


In future versions of the 3D Tiling Pipeline, this variable won’t need to be explicitly set.

Let us know if you encounter further issues.


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Many thank Matt… It work for me now…

to extend this question. i also do for converting LOD 4 in CityGML.

Did anybody found the error similar like this?


We’ve seen this one time before, and it appears to be a problem with how the CityGML data was generated/exported. We don’t have much information available on what causes it, but if you send us a sample of your data and any information on how it was generated, we would be glad to take a look.

For the time being, there is a workaround that may solve it for you. Does the gml file have tags that look like this?

      <bldg:roominstallation xlink:href="some-alphanumeric-sequence"/>

If so, please try removing them and tiling the data afterward.


Hi Matt,

I already remove the tag… but its will show this error.

How I can shared data to you? can we use telegram?