Error Eligible Features for Tiling

Hi All,

Currently i do converting LOD0 & LOD1… I got the error as showed above…
anyone can help me…

Data originally store in postgresql database and was exported by used 3DCityDB Exporter. So the output as CityGML format in file .gml …


Could you please share the CityGML file with us so we can take a look? It may depend on what geometry is stored in those LODs.


Here is the folder for both file LOD 0 & LOD 1 that I was mentioned…



It seems like the tiler is having trouble locating the CityGML files. I’m hoping you can answer a few clarification questions to help me understand the problem:

  1. Does the structure of the directory containing the CityGML data look like the image below? The directory name and the depth of subdirectories shouldn’t matter—I just want to make sure the data isn’t stored in a .zip or some other compressed format.

dir structure

  1. Were you trying to run the 3d-buildings-tiler with relative paths and the input path leading to the top-level folder (CityGMLData in the example above), like this? (The top option is for a Linux shell; the bottom is for Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell.)
../tilers-win-4.4.5/bin/3d-buildings-tiler -I CityGML -i ../_gml/CityGMLData -o ../_tilesets/CityGMLData


..\tilers-win-4.4.5\bin\3d-buildings-tiler.exe -I CityGML -i ..\_gml\CityGMLData -o ..\_tilesets\CityGMLData
  1. Could you please try to run it with absolute paths instead, like this?
C:/Cesium/tilers-win-4.4.5/bin/3d-buildings-tiler -I CityGML -i C:/Cesium/_gml/CityGMLData -o C:/Cesium/_tilesets/CityGMLData


C:\Cesium\tilers-win-4.4.5\bin\3d-buildings-tiler.exe -I CityGML -i C:\Cesium\_gml\CityGMLData -o C:\Cesium\_tilesets\CityGMLData
  1. What is your computer’s OS?

Thank you,

Hi Matt,

  1. In my window in seen like below

  2. & 3. I done run the command line… the result shown me the same error

  3. I do use Window OS

Hello Matt,

Any update or ideas on this issue
Error: Input does not contain any eligible features for tiling.
Details: The provided CityGML files do not contain any supported features ?


Hi Saharil,

Sorry—thought this was the same data as in our other thread, just exported differently. If you run the command with --format-log-json, do you see any warnings?


Hi Matt,

I got error as below

{“message”:“Database Path: data_run/LOD3_GML/AU13152/MISSION25/TRACKA/M25TAB8/UPI_10084002067.S.0B.M1.D3.gml.sqlite3”,“type”:“INFO”}
{“type”:“ERROR”,“code”:24,“description”:“Input does not contain any eligible features for tiling.”,“debug”:{“message”:“The provided CityGML files do not contain any supported features.”}}

Thank you. Based on that, it seems like a certain model or .gml file in that group is causing the problem, or else I wonder if there is a problem with the length of that database path. Can you please re-send the data to me? During our earlier conversation, I wasn’t able to reproduce this problem on my end, but now that I see that path, I can try it again.

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the input… I realized the problem from data side… will update back after i run the conversion again…

Saharil Arshad

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I encountered a similar problem when adding CityGML data to Cesium ion. I am not sure whether this is a problem with the data because the data is downloaded from the OGC Github:


Hi it looks like you have uploaded a CityGML 3.0 file. At this time Cesium ion only supports CityGML 2.0. Please try exporting or saving the file as CityGML 2.0 and re-uploading to ion.

Thank you for letting me know. I would like to inquire if there are any plans in place to support CityGML 3.0 in the future.