CityGML to 3D Tiles Using 3d-buildings-tiler

Hi All,

Anyone can help me to solve the problem?

Saharil Arshad


Please check if any of your data’s texture files are .tif files. If they are, convert them to .jpg and update their filename extensions in the .gml file.

This is a known problem with our 3D Buildings Tiler that we are working to resolve.

Thank you,

Hi Matt,

All my texture files are in .png format. I noticed u has been mentioned from others question that I had posted.

Saharil Arshad

Hi Saharil,

Thanks for letting us know—that may be a different issue, then. Is there a way you can send us the data so we can examine it? You can always upload it to ion and send us the asset ID, even if tiling is not successful.


Hi Saharil,

Data received, thank you. There are some differences between this and the previous problems you reported, but one similarity is that if I exclude some number of the .png files (in this case, the largest 10), tiling is successful.

We are continuing to work on this problem, and I have added these details. Thank you for reporting this.


Hi Matt,

It was successful to me… Thanks on the info…

But, its still not complete to me because when I tried apply clamp to terrain using ion access token and asset ID terrain that i uploaded into cesium ion.

error : String or blob too big will appear…

How do I can solve it to make all my data would be able to apply clamp to terrain…

Saharil Arshad

Hi Matt,

Any ideas on this?

Saharil Arshad