3dTile Jittery Behavior in CesiumJS

Hi Team,

We are experiencing a display issue when panning through our 3dTiles.
It is quite jittery, do you have any suggestions or configurations to fix this?



My guess is that you’ve figured this out by now, but for other people that find this and are dealing with the same sort of thing: that looks like floating point error. You may need to do the final model transform on the CPU with doubles before sending the matrix over to the GPU. My guess is that you’re sending ECEF coordinates directly to the GPU, but instead you should be transforming to a local frame with an origin closer to the camera. float just doesn’t have the precision you need to do everything in ECEF.

Look up RTC_CENTER in the 3D Tiles spec for a bit more info on one way this is mitigated in 3D Tiles.