Ability to mask out 3D tile layer (photogrammetry)

Hello @Arkwiz and @ljason1993 ,

The exclusion zones feature was recently added to roughly support these use-cases: New Cesium Update now closes de Editor - #5 by Kevin_Ring. It is still very rudimentary and only applies rectangular longitude-latitude-aligned opacity masking. We are actively working on more generalized clipping features in the following order of priority:

  • 2.5D clipping of arbitrary polygons defined by a spline (visual only)
  • 2.5D clipping of the physics meshes as well, also using splines
  • Full 3D clipping (we would be interested to hear if this would be useful to the community)

Keep up with the discussion in this issue and feel free to chime in with suggestions if you feel that your use cases aren’t being covered in the plan!
