I found a problem, that is if the ActivationRadius of the SubScene is big, the CesiumFlyToController can’t work well
The Rar file shows a video about that.
2024-11-27 14-08-18.zip (10.3 MB)
I need subScene’s radius as big as I wish。
would you tall me what’s the problum ,and how can i make it ?
In fact, no matter how much the radius of the subscene is,if the dynamiccamera move in the radius,
and fly in the radius, some flash effect will appear at the begin of the movement。
someone meet the trouble?
I’m not sure what you mean by “flash effect”. Perhaps you can record a video of the problem?
In general, though, if your sub-scene radius is that large, it’s the same as it being “always active” right? In which case, what’s the point of using a sub-scene at all?