And my Master material layer looks like this, based off of the plugins Master Layer - just modified a copy to only texture the masked area (as per photo 1)
My issue is that for some reason the normal pin has no effect on the material and the Normal texture does not work in this context even though it has the option to do so.
Any enlightenment would be grateful, I can provide more deets if this is confusing.
I also made parameters that i can control via the Material Instance and also in the Blend asset
I’m not sure why your modifications aren’t working, but a good thing to check is whether you see the texture if you output it to the Base Color field, as a first debug step.
It’s possible that there is something unexpected with the texture coordinates. When we drape raster overlays on 3D Tilesets (which happens for Cesium World Terrain), the default material applies an offset and scale to the texture coordinates before it samples the raster overlay. So, it’s possible that the UVs being passed are not-as-expected for a typical texture, hence the weird appearance. Doing the initial check that I described would help narrow down that possibility.