I imported the oblique photography model into ion for processing. Then when I used the ION preview, I found that the processed model was very unclear compared to the original model.
I have turned off the Draco Compression option. But the model still seems to be compressed.
ID: 457468
From my experience, the “preview” viewer in Cesium ion can be somewhat low resolution. I will check in with the Cesium team about the cause of this. Try viewing your assets in CesiumJS or Cesium stories. Finally, this is a detailed guide discussing 3D tiles quality. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
I created a Story and put the model into the scene. But it is still unclear. link:Cesium Stories
Figure 1 below was cut using other slicing tools, and then displayed using cesiumJS.
Figure 2 is the source file opened directly.
These two are obviously clearer, so I guess that ion compresses the model during slicing.
So is there a way to prevent ion from compressing the model during slicing so that the image quality of the model will not be lost?
I believe the approach you are using will produce the most accurate results. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.