Sorry if this is a repeat, but it seems like my original discussion disappeared…
While upgrading our app to Cesium b26, we seem to have lost the rendering of the SkyBox images. Even on the example website (, we do not see the SkyBox stars on Firefox nor Chrome on OS X (checking on both a Macbook Air and a Macbook Pro).
Is anyone else getting this issue?
Thanks for the heads up. The SkyBox constructor parameters changed in b22, but the Minimalist example (and several others) weren’t updated to reflect that change.
If you change the SkyBox code to:
scene.skyBox = new Cesium.SkyBox({
sources : {
positiveX : skyBoxBaseUrl + ‘_px.jpg’,
negativeX : skyBoxBaseUrl + ‘_mx.jpg’,
positiveY : skyBoxBaseUrl + ‘_py.jpg’,
negativeY : skyBoxBaseUrl + ‘_my.jpg’,
positiveZ : skyBoxBaseUrl + ‘_pz.jpg’,
negativeZ : skyBoxBaseUrl + ‘_mz.jpg’
it should work. I’ll fix our examples.
Thank you, that seemed to do the trick!