To whom may concern,
I’m trying to upload a b3dm file to cesium ion and display it as well.
The workflow is: zip the folder–>upload to ion–>select 3D Tiles
I’ve uploaded two files. The first one was uploaded and displayed successfully. However, the other one failed.
One thing I noticed is the options provided for type selecting.
For the first one, there were just two options and I selected 3D Tiles.
For the second one, there were 11 options and none of them worked.
I don’t know if it was because of the way I zipped or the size of the file (one is 12MB and the other one is 8GB with several blocks)
Any information would be appreciated.
Hi Andy,
Did the one that fail successfully upload at least, or did it not finish uploading? If it finished uploading but can’t be displayed, could you please provide us with the asset ID? Once we have that, we can investigate internally and get back to you.
Hi Andy,
Just saw that you sent the asset ID via our support inbox—thank you for that. I see that for the asset, ion isn’t automatically locating tileset.json
, which is causing the problem. We are investigating this issue and will follow up when a solution is available.
In the meantime, you can try manually setting the Main JSON File field when uploading to ion as indicated below:
(When ion doesn’t automatically detect a tileset.json
file, it suggests <root>/tileset.json
as a default value for Main JSON File. In this case, there’s a terra_b3dms
subdirectory within the root directory, so it needs to be added to the path.)
Please let us know if that workaround solves the issue for this asset, or if it persists.
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Hi Matt,
Thank you so much for helping! It is working now!
Really appreciate it!
Best Regards
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I upload b3dm data as Matt did but error occurs when it finish uploaded.
ID: 890196. how can I solve it?