Can't see my b3dm file in Ceisum ION

Hello, im having problem with my b3dm file that isnt showing up when i upload it with tileset json to Cesium ION.
it seems boundingVolume doesnt have a error, it is area of Bangkok, Thailand that i want. But my 23482983.b3dm isnt showing up.
cant figure it out that the problem is tileset json or b3dm file itself.

i would really appreciate it your help.
Thanks you. (1.5 KB)

ktkim, is it safe to assume you are generating 3D Tiles yourself? or are you relying on Cesium ion for the tiling?

You may be interested in the 3D Tiles Validator, which may help find issues with your tileset: GitHub - CesiumGS/3d-tiles-validator: Validator for 3D Tiles